Remineralize Your Teeth
Hello, I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind easing my mind about some of the rumors I am reading about baking soda being bad to use on your teeth daily. I know you guys value what goes into your products. Is it truly not good for your teeth as people try to say?
Thank you, Sarah
Straight baking soda can be a little harsh and does not really have any nutrition in it for the teeth and gums. I brushed with it as a child for a little while and never really "loved" it. There is a small amount of baking soda in our Dirty Mouth Toothpowder for the cleaning properties, however, the clays add the nutrients your teeth need to stay strong and healthy. Teeth are living organisms and can re-mineralize when the correct minerals are within reach!
Dirty Mouth Toothpowder contains a blend of three clays rich in minerals needed to prevent demineralization (weak, chipping, breaking and cavities) of teeth and promote re-mineralization for strong, healthy teeth.
Bentonite clay is nontoxic and rich in vital minerals that are very beneficial for our teeth and gums – like calcium and potassium. It is a very mild abrasive clay that gently scrubs and beautifully polishes the teeth. Bentonite clay has been used for decades as a treatment for numerous health conditions and acts as a detoxifying agent to help fight gum disease by strengthening the body's natural immunity. It works as an astringent by helping to remove tartar and clean the gums.
White kaolin clay is very rich in aluminum and is high in calcium, silica, zinc and magnesium. It helps to whiten and polish the teeth.
French green clay (also Known as Illite Clay or Sea Clay) is very absorbent, and literally "drinks" oils, toxic substances, and impurities from the tissues Mined from bedrock quarries in France, it is sun-dried, completely natural, unscented, and fragrance free. Green clay is a bio-mineral, and contains decomposed plant matter as well as many trace minerals, such as: silica, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, selenium, cobalt, manganese, phosphorous, silicon, micro-algaes, kelp, and phyto-nutrients. French Green Clay also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which may be helpful with some periodontal conditions.