Coupons and Sales
Below is a list of different promos/specials and sales we offer.
Only ONE coupon code can be used per order on our website.
How to use a coupon code on an order:
You'll find the location for your code on the final pages of the Checkout process.
1. Locate the field "Gift Card or Discount Code".
2. Input your coupon code and click Apply.
If the code was correct, you will see the discount amount applied to your total.
Coupons can not be used with subscription products. Subscription orders are already discounted and additional coupons do not apply.
- % Off COUPON: During checkout, please use the discount code for the current promo. Items that apply for the discount will be discounted. Discount excludes Subscription items and if you have subscription items in your cart, the discount code may not work. If this happens, please contact Customer Service with your order number and discount code and we will assist you and refund your retroactively.
- FREE GIFT: Spend the required amount (before sales tax and after discounts) and we will automatically add the free gift to your cart. If it does not appear in your cart, you can contact customer service. When using our Primal Life Organics app, the free gift may not be added. We suggest placing your order via the website.
- FREE Sample: No minimum purchase required and no need to add the samples in your cart. We will be adding them to your box during shipping. These samples WILL NOT be listed on your receipt.
- BOGO FREE or 50% offers: (Buy One Get One) Purchase a product from the BOGO collection and get the second (lower priced item) at the offer of the day.
- BTGO Free: (Buy Two Get One) Add three items from our BTGO FREE collection to your cart and the lowest price item will be free!!