3 Easy Steps to Reset Gut Health With The Book Oh, Sh*t!

LOOK DOWN. What do you see? Flat landscape or one big mountain? Does the mountain grow larger when you feed it? I felt bloated and "thick" all the time... until Dr. Marisol's book Oh, Sh*t! Finally, I can look in the toilet and diagnose what is wrong with my gut... and FIX it!! Dr. Marisol and I have been friends (soul sisters really) for years and her new book is amazing. I want to share her story and give you the opportunity to take advantage of her free offer... From Dr. Marisol Teijeiro:
Literally everyone is telling you to ‘heal your gut’ these days, do you agree?
Arthritis? Heal your gut.
Hormone imbalance? Heal your gut.
Autoimmune condition? Heal your gut.
There are hundreds of thousands of books, diets and supplements entirely focused on healing the gut. Not to mention, Dr. Oz and Oprah are always talking about it. And it’s the very FIRST thing that most naturopathic doctors work with their patients on (I sure do!).
But WHY is healing the gut so important?
As Hippocrates (A.K.A. the first doctor and the father of medicine) said, “All disease begins in the gut.”
The gut is just like Grand Central Station, because it’s where all the systems of our body converge including our digestive, hormonal, immune and nervous systems. It’s where we break down food and turn it into energy and nourishment, so that it can be carried to everywhere else in the body it’s needed.
Food is fuel for our gut and our body!
Hippocrates also said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”
It’s like a ripple effect, If the gut isn’t healthy, we’re not able to digest and absorb nutrients from our food, and this leaves all the other systems of our body depleted. Make sense?
Gut healing... the EASY way!
Have you ever done a gut healing program or eating plan but felt like you couldn't stick to it because you simply didn't have the willpower?
Listen, it's NOT about willpower! It's just that every other method you've tried, or book you've read has given you a constrictive one-size-fits-all approach that forces you to rely on willpower alone in order to succeed… Only to leave you feeling frustrated when you fail.
Personalize your gut healing with Oh, Sh*t!
What you really need is a more personalized plan that feels natural to your body's specific needs – one that you wake up and choose every morning with joy and trust, rather than force yourself into that one-size-fits-all box that has proven to be ineffective.
In my decade of clinical practice, I've learned where people fall off track. Oh, Sh*t! is written in a way that will help you reset your gut easily and effortlessly, without intense restrictions and limitations.
Unlock your body’s secret code.
The truth is, your body is constantly communicating with you and telling you exactly what it needs, it just speaks in a secret code that you’ve never been taught to understand. And guess what one of it’s main modes of communication is?
Your stools.
Yes, that’s partly where the title of the book, Oh, Sh*t! comes from. (I know it’s crude, but trust me, it really is the perfect name for it - you’ll see!) I share how to unlock the secret code in your stools for clues your body is sending you about hormone imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, digestive problems and much more.
Resetting gut health is easy with the 3 stress-less steps in Oh, Sh*t!
And it’s not just your stools, you’ll also discover how to decipher clues in your sleep and stress to follow a perfectly personalized gut healing plan for YOU.
That’s what’s so different about Oh, Sh*t!, you get to tailor it to your gut health needs and it’s not constrictive like most programs because you’re armed with dozens of amazing hacks to speed up gut healing, such as the castor oil pack.
Step 1: Unlock the secret code in your stools, sleep and stress.
Step 2: Follow a personalized road map for gut healing.
Step 3: Simplify your lifestyle with gut healing foods, supplements and the castor oil pack. Do more with less!
Get Oh, Sh*t! for FREE while supplies last!
Oh, Sh*t! was inspired by my amazing mother. When she worked through these 3 steps, she went from being so constipated she wouldn’t have a bowel movement for DAYS, to going to the bathroom regularly.
She went from waking up 4+ times every night to sleeping like a baby and waking up refreshed and energized.
She went from being a constant ball of stress to finally relaxing.
Despite being given a long list of conditions from her doctor including thyroid disease, anxiety disorder and breast cancer, my mother lived to a ripe old age and passed away while Oh, Sh*t! was going to print. Read her whole story here.
In her honour, I’m gifting it to you so that I can help others the same way I helped her in her last 11 years of life.
Quantities are limited (we have 8000 and over 1million+ people will see this) so act now! You’ve waited long enough - start your gut healing today!