Apple Cider Vinegar 30 Day Challenge – Day 27: ACV Can Help You Build Bone Mass
If you are over the age of 30, you are probably losing bone mass.
Did you now that the prescribed medication bisphosphonates (like Fosamax); are in the same chemical class (phosphonate) as the cleaners used to remove soap scum from your bath tub?
These types of medications are metabolic poisons that actually kill your osteoclasts. Osteoclasts are cells that break down your bone so your osteoblasts can rebuild them.
Decreased bone mass begins around the age of 30, for both men and women. Unfortunately, we often don’t “feel” any different until the destruction is underway. ACV can help put the mass back in your bones safely and naturally and can help prevent bone loss! Today, Trina explains how ACV could help build your bones!
#osteoporosis #bonemass #whatthehealth #naturalhealth #bonehealth#strongbones
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