Can the Health of Your Teeth Cause Arthritis, Heart Disease, or a Stroke?

Can the Health of Your Teeth Cause Arthritis, Heart Disease, or a Stroke?

If you are reading this, we know you want a healthy mouth. But (truth be told!) - what you really want are white, sparkly teeth and fresh breath so you can look and feel your best!

And let’s chalk one up for vanity in this case, because the reality is, NOT having sparkly white teeth and fresh breath can be detrimental to your overall health. We’re talking seriously detrimental - as in being the cause of heart disease, strokes, dementia, diabetes, infertility, and even arthritis. 

Your mouth is a primary entryway into the body. Teeth that ache, gums that bleed, and bad breath are all indicators of poor oral health. This leads to bacteria that can easily get into the bloodstream and cause infection and inflammation wherever it spreads.


The problem is that your toothpaste and mouthwash - because it's filled with toxic chemicals - cause demineralization of your tooth enamel by killing all the good, healthy bacteria responsible for protecting your teeth. Without that healthy bacterium, the pH in your mouth becomes too acidic. 

An acidic mouth is a breeding ground for BAD bacteria. This causes plaque to form, infecting your gums, leading to leaky gums, gum disease, bad breath, and yes, even cavities.


The impressive power of bentonite clay comes from its negatively charged molecules. Those molecules attract positively charged toxins and heavy metals. This makes it possible for bentonite clay to latch onto dangerous toxins and draw and push them out of the body.

In other words, as soon as bentonite clay enters your system, it seeks out all chemicals, impurities, and toxins to remove them from the gut, skin, and mouth.

And then there is the remineralization.

Your teeth are composed of hard dentin and enamel, both of which are naturally sustained by minerals. When your teeth lose minerals faster than they gain minerals, you start to notice unpleasant symptoms like sensitivity and decay.  

On the other hand, if the remineralization process can outrun the demineralization process, then you can protect your teeth against cavities and sharp zings of sensitivity. Brushing with bentonite clay actually accelerates the remineralization process because natural clays are loaded with minerals like silica, calcium, zinc, potassium, and magnesium.

Introducing minerals to your mouth and your teeth help you:

  • Strengthen your teeth
  • Fight off harmful bacteria
  • Reduce and prevent sensitivity
  • Protect gums from decay and infection

There are so many other amazing benefits of brushing with bentonite clay - including cleansing your gums and freshening your breath - but we think the best one is NO MORE CAVITIES.

So next time your dentist tells you that you can’t heal a cavity, try not to roll your eyes or lash out with  “Oh yeah? Watch me!”. And definitely RUN if they try to push a toxic fluoride rinse your way.

Ready to transform your oral health and get rid of cavities, gum disease, and all of the other health issues caused by an unhealthy mouth?

We recommend you start with our Dental Detox Kit. It has everything you need to detoxify your mouth from bad bacteria, while also remineralizing your teeth and creating a healthy oral microbiome.

Want to upgrade your oral health even more? We recommend you use our LED Teeth Whitening System.

It's not just for whitening teeth! Using the power of LED light therapy and combined with our peroxide-free whitening gel made with nano-hydroxyapatite, this system works to eliminate harmful bacteria while strengthening your teeth and gums.

Embrace better oral health for better overall health. We're with you every step of the way!